Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Start of Art!

It has been quite a while in coming, but this is my first posting concerning the art produced by my little son, Theodore. As he is only two, he is just starting to journey into regular art activities. Even so, I do have a backlog of items I need to prepare for posting. The following two images will help me get this site up and running and facilitate larger presentations in the future.

At this age and stage, Theo has started to enjoy painting. Although he has been given paints at other times, his earlier works (to be presented soon) are akin to a house painter.... even, uniform coverage. Only recently has our little guy explored movement and pattern in his art. In this first painting, his efforts bear a striking resemblance to some of Pollack's works, in my opinion. Theo's brustrokes in particular, bear resemblance to the masterful abstract expressionist:

In addition to painting, little Theo has also begun to explore mixed media. In the following art piece, we see Theo's effort may have been influenced by Henri Matisse's work in the 1950s entitled "The Snail":

Such beginnings as these suggest to me that our little guy will start to have an exponentially growing effort in art. As more pieces arrive, I will bring them to you here.

Theo's Dad